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If you are interested in joining any of the below ministries please contact the office for more information.



Both young people and adults assist in worship by participating in functions such as carrying the cross in procession, lighting and extinguishing candles, and helping with the offering and serving at the altar. Training provided.

All Saints Ringers:

Working usually in small groups of two to three ringers in preparation for psalms, sequences or tracks, and hymn descants for worship from Labor Day through Trinity Sunday. Rehearsals are Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. 


Altar Guild:

Members are organized for the purpose of preparing the church for worship. Duties include preparing the altar, Eucharistic vessels, hangings, linens and vestments for all services, including baptisms. They also prepare the sanctuary for weddings and funerals. Apprenticeships are encouraged!


Centering Prayer:

People gather for a simple method of prayer that emphasizes silence to practice how to rest in quiet awareness of God’s presence. Mondays at 11:15 a.m. upstairs in the Deacons’ office. 


Daughters of the King:

Open to all Episcopal women, members of the order are committed to lives of prayer and service and dedicated to the spread of Christ’s kingdom and the strengthening of the Church. Meetings are held the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 12:45 p.m. 


Eucharistic Ministers:

Lay persons, who are trained and licensed, read appointed lessons, lead prayers and administer the chalice at Sunday services and on other occasions. 


Eucharistic Visitors:

To extend the parish’s Sunday Eucharistic celebration, these licensed lay persons take the sacrament to those who are in local nursing homes. Safe church training required. 


Flower Guild:

Often working in teams, members create a beautiful environment for our worship by selecting and arranging altar flowers and special flowers as needed. On Mondays, flowers from the altar are made into smaller arrangements for these who are ill or isolated.


Friends of Music:

Designed to support the music program, individuals serve in a variety of ways providing hospitality at designated events, database maintenance, and other office tasks. 


Healing Ministry:

After receiving Holy Communion at the 10:15 a.m. service, parishioners are invited to the Hay Chapel to receive healing prayers for themselves and/or others. 


Parish Choir:

Comprised of people who love to sing, the choir contributes to the celebration of the church’s worship by supporting congregational singing and offering special music of its own. Rehearsals are Thursday, 4:00 p.m., Sundays, 9:00 a.m., September through May. 


Sacred Story Tellers:

Members come together to prepare and dramatically present the stories of scripture on selected Sundays and other occasions. 


Saturday@5 Ensemble:

Music rehearsals are every Saturday, 4:15-4:50 p.m. 



Working in teams, they greet and distribute bulletins to parishioners and visitors upon arrival at services of worship. Additional responsibilities include collecting the money offering and directing the orderly flow of people to and from the altar during communion.

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