All Saints
Episcopal Church
Angel Tree
The Outreach Committee is excited to announce that we are partnering with the Hilton Head High School and Middle School Parents, Teachers, and Staff Organization (HHIHSPTSO) to bolster their annual Seahawk Support Circle Holiday Bag Program benefiting students within the community identified as at-risk by the School social workers. Things that may seem very basic to us, are crucial to these young people attending school regularly.
Beginning November 15, physical Angel Trees with gift tags for you to choose will be set up in the Narthex, Lobby and Gordon Mann Hall. To make shopping easier for you this year, we have created an online wishlist that you can shop from, please know that shopping from these lists is not mandatory and that you are welcome to shop anywhere you would like! If you would like to shop via the wishlist you can do so here:
Click here for Amazon list
All gifts must be at the Church on or before Sunday, December 8. Gifts are NOT to be wrapped.
If you order a gift on-line, you can choose to have it shipped directly to the All Saints’ Episcopal Church office at 3001 Meeting Street, Hilton Head Island, SC 20026. Please note, all non-monetary gifts are for high school aged children.
Monetary contributions can be paid on-line by clicking here and selecting the Angel Tree as the designated fund. If paying by check please make it out to All Saints’ Episcopal Church with Angel Tree in the note space, or by bringing cash to the Church office during regular office hours; Monday-Thursday 10am - 4pm.
Non-monetary gifts can be delivered to the Church office Mondays through Thursdays between 10am and 4pm, or brought to any service.
If you have any questions or have personal circumstances that require special assistance in order for you to participate, please contact Faith Hahn at 732-778-0407 or click here to email her.