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If you are interested in joining any of the below ministries please contact the office for more information.



Bread Bakers:

Volunteers bake and package small loaves of bread to be given to first time guests who introduce themselves or are introduced at Sunday services. 



Working in teams, they extend the parish’s hospitality by greeting guests at the door, inviting them to sign the visitor’s book and giving loaves of bread during the time of “Welcome and Announcements” just prior to the beginning of Sunday services. 


New Member Events:

As persons join the parish, they are invited to attend a new member event designed to begin their integration. Held in the library, the event includes a social time followed by a buffet dinner and a program designed to help them get connected. In addition, once a year, new members are incorporated on a Sunday morning with a Liturgy of Welcome and a Coffee Hour in their honor. 



Advertisements are placed in local publications on a regular basis and periodic press releases highlight ministries or announce special events. 



Learn about all things All Saints at The website includes regularly updated calendars and provides information about ministries and upcoming events. Minutes of meetings are posted as are recordings of Sunday services. 


Welcoming Visitors:

An effective approach to welcoming includes an intentional system designed to respond to our guests wants and needs and ensures that they do not get ignored or lost. This includes affording our guests the opportunity to explore the parish through periodic gatherings called “For our Guests. . .” At this gathering in the Library following the 10:15 am service guests are invited to ask questions and learn about the church and take a tour. 

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