All Saints
Episcopal Church
Christian Education
If you are interested in joining any of the below ministries please contact the office for more information.
Christian Spirituality:
Book Studies with discussions centering on an individual’s spiritual journey in Christ. Meetings take place at the church on Thursday mornings for multi-week sessions, after the 10:15 AM Eucharist.
Education for Ministry:
A distance learning program of the Seminary of the South, aka Sewanee, EFM is a four-year course of theological education for lay people done locally in a small group setting that is led by a trained mentor.
Inquirer’s Classes:
Designed for those preparing for Confirmation, Reception, or Re-affirmation of Baptismal Vows, this series of classes intends to help people explore their faith more deeply as well as learn about the church.
Located off the foyer, the Library contains a variety of spiritual, devotional, theological, and educational materials. Books may be checked out at no cost to members of ASEC.
Men’s Morning Forum:
A group of men gather weekly on Tuesdays at 8:00 a.m. September thru May, to explore the bible, theology, and other relevant topics from an open point of view. Breakfast follows at a local restaurant.
Saints Nursery:
Care for young children and infants on Sundays beginning at 10:00 a.m. upstairs in the parish house. Safe Church training required for volunteers.
Small Groups and Seasonal Opportunities:
From time to time, small groups emerge around an interest in a topic and seasonal classes and programs are offered, such as a weeknight series in Lent or our Bon Voyage Series.
Sunday Adult Classes:
Offered at 9:00 a.m. in the library, these classes focus on biblical, theological, sacramental, spiritual, ethical and historical themes through a variety of discussions and presentations.
Women’s Bible Study:
A group of women gather weekly on Tuesdays at 10:15 a.m. to study the bible and grow in their understanding of scripture.
Off Island Spiritual Book Group:
Meets two Thursday afternoons per month.